- The trafficker
- Convinces the victim that they are worthless.
- Convinces the victim they can’t do anything else now.
- Posts explicit photos of the victim online.
- Threatens to show the victim’s family the explicit photos.
- Trafficker prostituted young females in six states.
- Threatened to post pornographic videos/images of them online.
- The trafficker hacked one victim’s Facebook and posted explicit photos.
Source: Staff Report. (2017, November 10). Man convicted of 17 federal felonies for luring women and teens into prostitution. Redmond Reporter. Retrieved on November 13, 2017. Read More
- Loyalty to the trafficker becomes the highest priority.
- The victim doesn’t want to be a “snitch.”
- The trafficker convinces the victim that they were rescued from worse.
- The victim is convinced that they owe the trafficker everything.
- The trafficker provides drugs to the victim and they become addicted.
- 13-year-old victim stated that the trafficker “never abused her and she feels bad for getting him arrested.”
- The trafficker forced women already addicted to drugs to prostitute in exchange for more drugs and food.
Source: Reid, J. A. (n.d). Entrapment and Enmeshment Schemes Used by Sex Traffickers. Sexual Abuse-A Journal Of Research And Treatment, 28(6), 491-511.
Source: Russell, E. (2017, November 27). Wasilla man sentenced for two counts of sex trafficking. Alaska Public Media. Retrieved November 28, 2017. Read More
Make Complicit in Crime
- The trafficker forces the victim to participate in crime (shoplifting, drug deals, etc.).
- The victim is forced to recruit other victims.
- The trafficker forces the victim to control and abuse the other victims.
- The trafficker engaged with a middle-school girl over a social media app.
- Sent graphic sexual text messages to the victim and committed sexual battery against the victim.
- Wanted the victim to become “plug,” recruiting other girls into prostitution.
Source: Whigham, J., II. (2017, May 17). New: Florida man faces human-trafficking charge with middle-school kid. Palm Beach Post. Retrieved November 1, 2017. Read More
- The trafficker
- May impregnate the victim
- Takes the victim’s child away.
- Makes threats to harm/run away with the victim’s child
- Forces the victim to have an abortion.
- Does not allow the victim medical treatment while pregnant.
- Traffickers kept victims from seeing their child until they earned their “quota” for the day.
Source: Reid, J. A. (n.d). Entrapment and Enmeshment Schemes Used by Sex Traffickers. Sexual Abuse-A Journal Of Research And Treatment, 28(6), 491-511.
- The trafficker
- Takes away the victim’s phone.
- Cuts off the victim’s social media access.
- Holds the victim in a home with a camera, alarms, motion sensors, and locks.
- The trafficker lured women under false pretenses into prostitution.
- Took away the victims’ cell phones, laptops, and identification documents.
- The victims were not allowed to communicate with each other or anyone from the outside world without the trafficker’s permission.
Source: U.S. Attorney’s Office. (2013, November 13). Ringleader Of El Paso And Baltimore-based Federal Human Trafficking Investigation Sentenced To 17 1/2 Years In Federal Prison. Retrieved November 29, 2017. Read More
Financial Control
- The trafficker
- Keeps all or most of victim’s money.
- Controls all of the victim’s possessions.
- The trafficker forced the victim to prostitute throughout Florida.
- The trafficker took all money earned from the victim prostituting.
Source: Ray, W. (2016, December 28). Attorney General Bondi and Marion County Sheriff Gainey Announce Human Trafficking Arrest. Retrieved October 25, 2017. Read More
Intimidation and Violence
- The trafficker routinely threatens physical harm and emotionally abuses the victim.
- The trafficker threatens the victim’s family members.
- Uses violence including but not limited to:
- Physical assault.
- Rape.
- Showing weapons.
- Tattooing and branding.
- Threatening with death.
- Threatening that the trafficker will abandon the victim or have them arrested.
- The trafficker forced three victims to prostitute in motels and frequently beat them.
- One victim had two broken ribs, an open head wound, and several bruises.
- Another victim was beaten with a power cord, had a dumbbell dropped on her, and cleaning liquid poured into her eyes.
Source: U.S. Department of Justice. (2013, January 09). Chicago Man Pleads Guilty to Transporting Woman Across State Lines for Prostitution. Retrieved November 29, 2017. Read More
Provide Hope, Connection, Faux Family
- The trafficker
- Convinces the victim they are the “special one.”
- Convinces the victim that no one else will understand what they’ve been through.
- Convinces the victim that they are part of a “team” or “family.”
- The victim has an emotional attachment despite abuse (trauma bond).
- A 16-year-old victim was kicked out of an upper-middle class family.
- Moved in with a “motherly figure” who then forced victim into prostitution.
- Despite being trafficked by her, the victim described the trafficker as “a good person. She just had twisted ways.”
Source: McNamara, M. (2016, March 1). Sex Trafficking in Northwest Florida. Retrieved on November 15, 2017. Read More